Results for 'Andrés F. Parra'

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  1.  14
    Acerca del carácter metafísico de la Lógica de Hegel.Andrés F. Parra - 2021 - Ideas Y Valores 70 (175):139-161.
    Resumen Ante el dilema de si la Lógica de Hegel debe entenderse como una ontología o como una continuación del proyecto kantiano de la lógica trascendental, el artículo sostiene que no es propiamente una ontología, ni un análisis de conceptos y categorías subjetivas. Su vocación metafísica se basa en el postulado según el cual la reflexión del pensamiento sobre sí mismo tiene consecuencias para la comprensión del ser de lo que no es pensamiento, de modo que resulta ser un proyecto (...)
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    Individual freedom against liberalism: Hegel's nonliberal individualism.Andrés F. Parra-Ayala - 2024 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 61 (4):622-637.
    In this article, I argue that the main contribution of Hegel's philosophy of right to the contemporary political debate is that it opens a window on the idea that liberalism and individual freedom are incompatible. My main thesis is that the liberal conception of the State and law, structured from a nonrelational account of singularity, ends up denying the individual freedom that it claims to defend. I begin by reconstructing the Hegelian concept of freedom from its most general lines, showing (...)
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  3. Has J. Rancière’s concept of politics Marxist assumptions?Andrés Felipe Parra Ayala - 2017 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 6 (10):75-106.
    Este artículo interroga críticamente la pretensión de Jacques Rancière de pensar la política sin referencia a espacios sociales ni a las relaciones de poder que tienen lugar en ellos. En este texto se pretende mostrar que estas descripciones y cartografías de los espacios sociales operan como presupuestos ocultos de la teoría rancieriana, a pesar de ser rechazadas por el mismo filósofo francés como elementos fundamentales de la reflexión sobre la política. El artículo se acerca en la primera parte a las (...)
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    The Other Whose Word Can Transform Me. The Role of Otherness in Gadamer’s Hermeneutics.Andrés F. Contreras - 2018 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 28:128-156.
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  5. La crítica de Hegel al liberalismo a través de la relación entre libertad y naturaleza. Una aproximación desde la Filosofía del Derecho.Andrés Felipe Parra Ayala - 2025 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 14 (1):141-152.
    En este texto quiero leer la forma en que Hegel resuelve el problema del determinismo en clave filosófico-política. La solución hegeliana consiste en que somos capaces de reescribir nuestra primera naturaleza de instintos, funciones y necesidades biológicas en una segunda naturaleza de hábitos y necesidades refinadas, mediadas por el sentido y la cultura: evitamos así tanto el determinismo como un dualismo entre naturaleza y libertad. Teniendo esto en mente, el artículo muestra que la crítica de Hegel al liberalismo radica esencialmente (...)
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    O conceito de "cena" na obra de Jacques Rancière: A prática do "método da igualdade".André F. Voigt - 2019 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 60 (142):23-41.
    RESUMO O presente artigo pretende sistematizar os principais elementos do conceito de "cena", termo fundamental para a conexão entre teoria e método no pensamento do filósofo francês Jacques Rancière. O "método da igualdade" empregado por Rancière pretende, entre outras coisas, delimitar os diferentes momentos de conflito entre regimes de verdade e atos de tomada da palavra - independentemente de classificações feitas a priori como dados para se investigar um objeto de estudo - por meio do conceito de "literalidade", que demonstra (...)
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    The third bank of the river.Andre F. Droogers - 1999 - In Jan G. Platvoet & Arie Leendert Molendijk (eds.), The Pragmatics of Defining Religion: Contexts, Concepts & Contests. Boston: Brill. pp. 84--285.
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    Lowered Plasma Steady-State Levels of Progesterone Combined With Declining Progesterone Levels During the Luteal Phase Predict Peri-Menstrual Syndrome and Its Major Subdomains.Chutima Roomruangwong, André F. Carvalho, Frank Comhaire & Michael Maes - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    New research tools suggest a “levels-less” image of the behaving organism and dissolution of the reduction vs. anti-reduction dispute.John Bickle, André F. De Sousa & Alcino J. Silva - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A kind of “ruthless reductionism” characterized the experimental practices of the first two decades of molecular and cellular cognition. More recently, new research tools have expanded experimental practices in this field, enabling researchers to image and manipulate individual molecular mechanisms in behaving organisms with an unprecedented temporal, sub-cellular, cellular, and even circuit-wide specificity. These tools dramatically expand the range and reach of experiments in MCC, and in doing so they may help us transcend the worn-out and counterproductive debates about “reductionism” (...)
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    Remarks on the Configuration Space Approach to Spin-Statistics.Andrés F. Reyes-Lega & Carlos Benavides - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (7):1004-1029.
    The angular momentum operators for a system of two spin-zero indistinguishable particles are constructed, using Isham’s Canonical Group Quantization method. This mathematically rigorous method provides a hint at the correct definition of (total) angular momentum operators, for arbitrary spin, in a system of indistinguishable particles. The connection with other configuration space approaches to spin-statistics is discussed, as well as the relevance of the obtained results in view of a possible alternative proof of the spin-statistics theorem.
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    The Great Persecution (D.V.) Twomey, (M.) Humphries (edd.) The Great Persecution. The Proceedings of the Fifth Patristic Conference, Maynooth, 2003. (Irish Theological Quarterly Monograph 4.) Pp. 176. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2009. Cased, €50. ISBN: 978-1-84682-161-. [REVIEW]André F. Basson - 2010 - The Classical Review 60 (2):542-544.
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    The brazilian nut effect by void filling: an analytic model.Junius André F. Balista, Dranreb Earl O. Juanico & Caesar A. Saloma - 2011 - Complexity 16 (5):9-16.
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    On the Geometry of the Berry-Robbins Approach to Spin-Statistics.Nikolaos Papadopoulos & Andrés F. Reyes-Lega - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (7):829-851.
    Within a geometric and algebraic framework, the structures which are related to the spin-statistics connection are discussed. A comparison with the Berry-Robbins approach is made. The underlying geometric structure constitutes an additional support for this approach. In our work, a geometric approach to quantum indistinguishability is introduced which allows the treatment of singlevaluedness of wave functions in a global, model independent way.
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    Late positive slow waves as markers of chunking during encoding.Ana M. L. Nogueira, Orlando F. A. Bueno, Gilberto M. Manzano, André F. Kohn & Sabine Pompéia - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    El disenso hermenéutico. Una interpretación política de la fusión de horizontes en H.G. Gadamer.Andrés Felipe Parra Ayala - 2014 - Ideas Y Valores 63 (155):59-84.
    Se ofrece una interpretación teórico-política de la fusión de horizontes de Gadamer. Se argumenta que el diálogo político, desde un punto de vista hermenéutico, debe entenderse como el proceso de cuestionamiento y disputa de los horizontes de sentido en donde descansan las prácticas sociales. Asimismo, se sostiene que el diálogo instituye una pregunta-escenario-común que abre el horizonte social de sentido hacia la contingencia e incertidumbre, así como que este nunca busca un consenso procedimental o sustancial que subsane los conflictos y (...)
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    Artificial Intelligence in Organizations in Colombia.John Arturo Buelvas Parra, William Niebles Núñez & Andrés Felipe Escobar Regino - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:2078-2091.
    The implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in organizations in Colombia has been increasing in recent years, and it is expected to continue growing in the near future. Companies in Colombia have begun to use AI in different areas, such as data analysis, customer service, process automation, and decision-making. Among the strategies applied for the implementation of AI in organizations is the adoption of cloud technologies, the use of machine learning algorithms, collaboration with technology providers and the formation of specialized teams. (...)
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  17.  20
    La Concepción hegeliana de la realidad efectiva Y la crítica de la metafísica.Andrés Felipe Parra Ayala - 2021 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 36:223-255.
    RESUMEN Este artículo presenta una reconstrucción argumentativa del primer capítulo de la tercera sección de la Doctrina de la Esencia de la Ciencia de la Lógica de Hegel, el cual lleva como título "Lo Absoluto". Su hipótesis es que la critica de la metafísica contenida en este capítulo no solo aboga por una ontología relacional del proceso, sino que también establece implícitamente una distinción entre una teoría de lo absoluto de primer orden y una de segundo orden. La teoría de (...)
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  18.  10
    Das reflexive Absolute: über die Bedeutung der Metaphysik in Hegels "Wissenschaft der Logik".Andrés Parra - 2021 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
    This book investigates the relationship between Hegel's Science of Logic und metaphysics. Its main thesis is that Hegel makes a case for a reflexive theory of the absolute. The Author thus establishes a distinction between first and second order theories of the absolute. First order theories are basic descriptions of the absolute whose consistency can be verified in merely analytical terms. The second order theory intends not only to describe the absolute without contradictions, but also to include coherently the thought (...)
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  19.  11
    La crítica de Walter Benjamin al positivismo (en discusión con Hans Kelsen).Andrés Parra - 2023 - Ideas Y Valores 72 (181).
    Varios estudiosos del ensayo benjaminiano Para una crítica de la violencia parecen coincidir en la tesis de que para el pensador alemán la violencia aparece como un medio del derecho. Sin embargo, la teoría pura del derecho de Kelsen reconoce que la violencia y la coacción son también un medio del derecho, pero justamente por ello niega cualquier relación fundamental, estructural o esencial entre derecho y violencia: un medio es únicamente una condición necesaria de algo, pero nunca su condición suficiente (...)
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  20.  13
    Paredes Goicochea, Diego. Política, acción, libertad. Hannah Arendt, Maurice Merleau-Ponty y Karl Marx en discusión.Andrés Parra - 2020 - Ideas Y Valores 69 (173):105-204.
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    Fe and Co selective substitution in Ni2MnGa: Effect of magnetism on relative phase stability.D. E. Soto-Parra, X. Moya, L. Mañosa, A. Planes, H. Flores-Zúñiga, F. Alvarado-Hernández, R. A. Ochoa-Gamboa, J. A. Matutes-Aquino & D. Ríos-Jara - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (20):2771-2792.
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    Informe bibliográfico sobre ciudadanía.José F. Parra - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 11.
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  23. El disenso hermenéutico. Una interpretación política de la fusión de horizontes en H.G. Gadamer.Andrés Parra Ayala - 2014 - Ideas Y Valores 63 (155):59-84.
    Se ofrece una interpretación teórico-política de la fusión de horizontes de Gadamer. Se argumenta que el diálogo político, desde un punto de vista hermenéutico, debe entenderse como el proceso de cuestionamiento y disputa de los horizontes de sentido en donde descansan las prácticas sociales. Asimismo, se sostiene que el diálogo instituye una pregunta-escenario-común que abre el horizonte social de sentido hacia la contingencia e incertidumbre, así como que este nunca busca un consenso procedimental o sustancial que subsane los conflictos y (...)
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  24. Diagnóstico de las condiciones de sostenibilidad Y el conocimiento sostenible en la corporación universitaria empresarial Alexander Von humboldt en armenia, colombia.Julio Ernesto Camargo Bejarano, Gloria Inés Vélez Parra, Luis Miguel Mejía Giraldo, Dionny Lozano Muñoz & Hernán Andrés Pérez Martínez - forthcoming - Revista Aletheia Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt Vol. 1, Año 2011.
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    Paredes Goicochea, Diego. Política, acción, libertad. Hannah Arendt, Maurice Merleau-Ponty y Karl Marx en discusión. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2017. 319 pp. [REVIEW]Andrés Parra - 2020 - Ideas Y Valores 69 (173):195-204.
    RESUMEN El pensamiento y las prácticas sociales de los atenienses de la Época Clásica se hallaban jerarquizados en favor de los varones, que se consideraban superiores naturalmente y con capacidad y derecho a gobernar en la polis y en la casa. Se muestra cómo el Agamenón de Esquilo cuestiona la naturalización de esta superioridad mediante el personaje de Clitemnestra, quien actúa, piensa y habla como varón, y muestra que matar a un familiar, cambiar de pareja, luchar por el mando se (...)
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    Plagiarism, Cheating and Research Integrity: Case Studies from a Masters Program in Peru.Andres M. Carnero, Percy Mayta-Tristan, Kelika A. Konda, Edward Mezones-Holguin, Antonio Bernabe-Ortiz, German F. Alvarado, Carlos Canelo-Aybar, Jorge L. Maguiña, Eddy R. Segura, Antonio M. Quispe, Edward S. Smith, Angela M. Bayer & Andres G. Lescano - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (4):1183-1197.
    Plagiarism is a serious, yet widespread type of research misconduct, and is often neglected in developing countries. Despite its far-reaching implications, plagiarism is poorly acknowledged and discussed in the academic setting, and insufficient evidence exists in Latin America and developing countries to inform the development of preventive strategies. In this context, we present a longitudinal case study of seven instances of plagiarism and cheating arising in four consecutive classes of an Epidemiology Masters program in Lima, Peru, and describes the implementation (...)
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  27.  31
    Calidad de vida en médicos en formación de posgrado.Pedro José Sarmiento & Andrés Parra Chico - 2015 - Persona y Bioética 19 (2).
    This descriptive study gathers and questions general evidence on the quality of life experienced by medical residents during postgraduate training. The information was obtained from five databases during a period of four months in 2014. For the most part, it highlights dozens of studies that call attention to burnout as a condition that affects the quality of life of medical residents and health workers. The emphasis on deterioration in quality of life focuses on the symptoms of professional attrition that negatively (...)
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  28.  14
    Vues sur la psychologie animale.H. André, F. Buytendijk, G. Dwelshauvers, M. Manquat, R. Collin & R. Dalbiez - 1930 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
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    Position Affects Performance in Multiple-Object Tracking in Rugby Union Players.Martín Andrés, M. Sfer Ana, A. D'Urso Villar Marcela & F. Barraza José - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Always on My Mind? Recognition of Attractive Faces May Not Depend on Attention.André Silva, António F. Macedo, Pedro B. Albuquerque & Joana Arantes - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Underconstrained perception or underconstrained theory?André Aleman, Edward H. F. de Haan & René S. Kahn - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (6):787-788.
    Although the evidence remains tentative at best, the conception of hallucinations in schizophrenia as being underconstrained perception resulting from intrinsic thalamocortical resonance in sensory areas might complement current models of hallucination. However, in itself, the approach falls short of comprehensively explaining the neurogenesis of hallucinations in schizophrenia, as it neglects the role of external attributional biases, mental imagery, and a disconnection between frontal and temporal areas.
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  32. A note on parameter free N1-induction and restricted exponentiation.Andrés Cordón Franco, Alejandro Fernández Margarit & F. F. Lara Martín - 2011 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (5):444-455.
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  33. La región de lo espiritual y la representación : die phantasie y artefactos.Sonia Cristina Gamboa & Camilo Andrés Toledo Parra - 2013 - In Germán Vargas Guillén (ed.), La región de lo espiritual en el centenario de la publicación de Ideas I de E. Husserl. Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.
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    The Role of Perception of Support in the Classroom on the Students’ Motivation and Emotions: The Impact on Metacognition Strategies and Academic Performance in Math and English Classes.Ruben Trigueros, José M. Aguilar-Parra, Remedios Lopez-Liria, Adolfo J. Cangas, Jerónimo J. González & Joaquín F. Álvarez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Motivation needs cognition but is not just about cognition.Nathalie André & Roy F. Baumeister - 2025 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 48:e28.
    Murayama and Jach offer valuable suggestions for how to integrate computational processes into motivation theory, but these processes cannot do away with motivation altogether. Rewards are only rewarding because people want and like them – that is, because of motivation. Sexual desire is not primarily a quest for rewarding information. Elucidating the interface between motivation and cognition seems a promising way forward.
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    Managing Tensions in Corporate Sustainability Through a Practical Wisdom Lens.Laura F. Sasse-Werhahn, Claudius Bachmann & André Habisch - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (1):53-66.
    Previous research has underlined the significance of practical wisdom pertaining to corporate sustainability. Recent studies, however, have identified managing opposing but interlocked tensions related to environmental, social, and economic aspects as one of the most crucial future challenges in CS. Therefore, we apply the established link between wisdom and sustainability to the pressing topic of managing tensions in CS. We commence with a literature overview of tensions in sustainability management, which manifests our basic work assumption concerning the need for practical (...)
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  37.  17
    Psychological Contract Violation or Basic Need Frustration? Psychological Mechanisms Behind the Effects of Workplace Bullying.Philipp E. Sischka, André Melzer, Alexander F. Schmidt & Georges Steffgen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Workplace bullying is a phenomenon that can have serious detrimental effects on health, work-related attitudes, and the behavior of the target. Particularly, workplace bullying exposure has been linked to lower level of general well-being, job satisfaction, vigor, and performance and higher level of burnout, workplace deviance, and turnover intentions. However, the psychological mechanisms behind these relations are still not well-understood. Drawing on psychological contract and self-determination theory (SDT), we hypothesized that perceptions of contract violation and the frustration of basic needs (...)
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  38.  60
    Toward an ecological conception of timbre.André L. G. Oliveira & Luis F. Oliveira - unknown
    This paper is part of a series in which we had worked in the last 6 months, and, specifically, intend to investigate the notion of timbre through the ecological perspective proposed by James Gibson in his Theory of Direct Perception. First of all, we discussed the traditional approach to timbre, mainly as developed in acoustics and psychoacoustics. Later, we proposed a new conception of timbre that was born in concepts of ecological approach. The ecological approach to perception proposed by Gibson (...)
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  39.  20
    Lipschitz and Wadge binary games in second order arithmetic.Andrés Cordón-Franco, F. Félix Lara-Martín & Manuel J. S. Loureiro - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (9):103301.
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    Boekbesprekingen.F. De Meyer, P. C. Beentjes, Hanneke Reuling, Marcel Poorthuis, Martin Parmentier, G. J. Bruins, Marc Schneiders, J. Kerkhofs, Th M. Loran, W. G. Tillmans, P. Schoonenberg, Marie-José van Bolhuis, Jan Kerkhofs, Ger Groot, André Cloots, Hans Goddijn, J. Besemer & Johan G. Hahn - 1989 - Bijdragen 50 (2):210-230.
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    Existentially Closed Models in the Framework of Arithmetic.Zofia Adamowicz, Andrés Cordón-Franco & F. Félix Lara-martín - 2016 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 81 (2):774-788.
    We prove that the standard cut is definable in each existentially closed model ofIΔ0+ exp by a (parameter free) П1–formula. This definition is optimal with respect to quantifier complexity and allows us to improve some previously known results on existentially closed models of fragments of arithmetic.
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    Commentary: At least eighty percent of brain grey matter is modifiable by physical activity: a review study.Irene Esteban-Cornejo, Andrés Catena, Charles H. Hillman, Arthur F. Kramer, Kirk I. Erickson & Francisco B. Ortega - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Automatic knowledge learning and case adaptation with a hybrid committee approach.Claudio A. Policastro, Andre C. P. L. F. Carvalho & Alexandre C. B. Delbem - 2006 - Journal of Applied Logic 4 (1):26-38.
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    An Index of Hume Studies: 1975-1993.James Allan, Robert F. Anderson, Shane Andre, Pall S. Ardal, R. F. Atkinson, Luigi Bagolini, Annette Baier, Stephen Barker, Marcia Baron & Donald L. M. Baxter - 1993 - Hume Studies 19 (2):327-364.
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    Semi-honest subrecursive degrees and the collection rule in arithmetic.Andrés Cordón-Franco & F. Félix Lara-Martín - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (1):163-180.
    By a result of L.D. Beklemishev, the hierarchy of nested applications of the $$\Sigma _1$$ -collection rule over any $$\Pi _2$$ -axiomatizable base theory extending Elementary Arithmetic collapses to its first level. We prove that this result cannot in general be extended to base theories of arbitrary quantifier complexity. In fact, given any recursively enumerable set of true $$\Pi _2$$ -sentences, S, we construct a sound $$(\Sigma _2 \! \vee \! \Pi _2)$$ -axiomatized theory T extending S such that the (...)
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    Local induction and provably total computable functions: a case study.Andrés Cordón–Franco & F. Félix Lara–Martín - 2012 - In S. Barry Cooper (ed.), How the World Computes. pp. 440--449.
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    Boekbesprekingen.F. De Meyer, W. G. Tillmans, M. -J. van Bolhuis, Ulrich Hemel, Pim Valkenberg, André Cloots, Ben Vedder, Eduard Kimman, A. A. Derksen, Hans Goddijn & Joh G. Hahn - 1989 - Bijdragen 50 (3):337-351.
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    Democratización del conocimiento en tiempos de pandemia en docentes.Andrés D. Solano-Barliza, Marlin A. Aarón González, Luisa F. Echeverría-King & Olisney Deluque-Montaño - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-13.
    Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) han ganado gran relevancia derivado de la situación de salud producida por el Covid-19, por lo que se plantean nuevas dinámicas en la formación docente. El estudio es de corte cualitativo descriptivo y se utilizó el estudio de casos, el análisis de contenido y del discurso. Los docentes exponen la adaptación del diseño tecnopedagógico, motivándolos al autoaprendizaje proactivo de sus estudiantes. El sentido pedagógico del uso de TIC propició un escenario de (...)
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    Functional Connectivity Alterations between Networks and Associations with Infant Immune Health within Networks in HIV Infected Children on Early Treatment: A Study at 7 Years.Jadrana T. F. Toich, Paul A. Taylor, Martha J. Holmes, Suril Gohel, Mark F. Cotton, Els Dobbels, Barbara Laughton, Francesca Little, Andre J. W. van der Kouwe, Bharat Biswal & Ernesta M. Meintjes - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  50.  41
    Fragments of Arithmetic and true sentences.Andrés Cordón-Franco, Alejandro Fernández-Margarit & F. Félix Lara-Martín - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (3):313-328.
    By a theorem of R. Kaye, J. Paris and C. Dimitracopoulos, the class of the Πn+1-sentences true in the standard model is the only consistent Πn+1-theory which extends the scheme of induction for parameter free Πn+1-formulas. Motivated by this result, we present a systematic study of extensions of bounded quantifier complexity of fragments of first-order Peano Arithmetic. Here, we improve that result and show that this property describes a general phenomenon valid for parameter free schemes. As a consequence, we obtain (...)
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